Staff Text, System Text and Expression Text


Staff Text objects and System Text objects are for indicative purposes listed right below. They can optionally affect Musescore playback, only the section after the attached note or rest is affected.

  • Applying swing and straight time (staff text and system text only)

  • Applying score and movement titles

  • Other general purpose not covered by other text types only. Different types of text-based objects are not interchangeable, see Text types.

Expression text objects indicate musical expressions and performance indications. They do not affect Musescore playback. To indicate dynamics and create playback at the same time, use Dynamics symbol object. To indicate and affect tempo at the same time, use Tempo markings.

Similarity and difference between Staff Text and System Text

Staff Text and System Text are similar in behavior and function.

  • Both of them attaches to a note or rest.

  • Both of them can be set-up to have effect on audio created by Musescore's Synthesizer, a Staff Text only affects the Musescore Instrument that that note belongs to, a System Text affects all Musescore Instruments on a score.

  • Staff Texts are hidden along with "Hide empty staves within systems" option (and the sub-option "Don't hide empty staves in first system") under "Style" window : "Score", see Templates and styles.

  • A Staff Text only appears in the Musescore Part(s) that features the Musescore Instrument. A System Text appears on all Musescore Parts.

  • New System Text is positioned above the top staff of each system (layout concept).

Adding Staff Text to your score

  1. Select a note

  2. Use one of the following methods:

    • Press Ctrl+T.

    • From the menu, select AddTextStaff Text.

    • Click on the "Staff Text" icon in the Text palette

  3. Enter the desired text in the bounding box.

Alternatively, drag the "Staff Text" icon onto a note in the score before entering the desired text.

Adding expression text to your score

  1. Select a note

  2. Use one of the following methods:

    • Press Ctrl+E.

    • From the menu, select AddTextExpression text.

    • Click on the "Expression text" icon in the Text palette

  3. Enter the desired text in the bounding box.

Alternatively, drag the "Expression text" icon onto a note in the score before entering the desired text.

Adding System Text to your score

  1. Select a note

  2. Use one of the following methods:

    • Press Ctrl+Shift+T.

    • From the menu, select AddTextSystem Text.

    • Click on the "System Text" icon in the Text palette

  3. Enter the desired text in the bounding box.

Alternatively, drag the "System Text" icon onto a note in the score before entering the desired text.

Repeating System Text on other staves

New System Text is positioned above the top staff of each system (layout concept). If you need a similar indication on a lower staff, add it to that staff using Staff Text.

Some templates have an additional feature. When you create a System Text, it is automatically duplicated and shown just above another lower staff. If either instance of the object is edited the content of both is updated. If either one is removed, both are removed. These templates includes:

  • Symphony Orchestra : duplicated and shown above violin.

  • Classical Orchestra : duplicated and shown above violin.

  • SATB + Piano : duplicated and shown above piano.

  • SATB + Organ : duplicated and shown above organ.

  • SATB Closed Score + Piano : duplicated and shown above piano.

  • SATB Closed Score + Organ : duplicated and shown above organ.


Edit properties of selected Staff Text, System Text, and Expression Text object(s) in the Properties panel. Text related settings are covered in Formatting text chapter.

An Expression Text can be added to a note that already has a Dynamics symbol attached. Doing so snaps it to the dynamics symbols, this behavior and the Properties : Expression: Snap to dynamic property is explained in Dynamics chapter.

Swing playback

Staff and system text can optionally be used to introduce Swing playback.

To apply swing:

  1. Right-click on a text object (staff text or system text only)

  2. Select Staff text properties or System text properties

  3. This opens a dialog where you can adjust swing settings.


See main chapter Templates and styles.

"Style for text inside Staff Text" is special, see Formatting text.

  • Values of the "Style for Staff Text" can be edited in Format→Style→Staff Text.

  • Values of the "Style for Expression text" can be edited in Format→Style→Expression text

  • Values of the "Style for text inside Staff Text" can be edited in Format→Style→Text styles→Staff

  • Values of the "Style for text inside System Text" can be edited in Format→Style→Text styles→System

  • Values of the "Style for text inside Expression" can be edited in Format→Style→Text styles→Expression

    Staff Text style

Last updated

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