Entering and editing text
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Musescore has different text editing functionalities. This chapter and other chapters under handbook Text section focus on the Musescore Text objects, individual objects that can be placed on a score, and objects containing it. There are also score settings that add text onto pages automatically.
A MuseScore Text object is an object on a score that contains individual characters that can be entered and removed by using (typing on) a computer keyboard. It is usually attached to a note or a rest, some of them attach to another object.
Staff Text can be attached to a staff;
Jumps and Markers are attached to measures;
Some types (Title, Subtitle etc.) must be attached to a frame, see Frame, and Text blocks chapters.
Different types of Text object are not interchangeable. They have distinct property fields that affect how Musescore functions. For example, a Staff Text object styled as a metronome mark can never be configured to change playback tempo inside Musescore. The Tempo object should be used to change playback tempo inside Musescore.
To check the object type, select an object on a score, its type is displayed on the status bar.\
Staff Text
System Text
Expression Text
Instrument change
Playing technique annotation
Gradual Tempo Change
Rehearsal mark
Chord symbol
Nashville number
Roman Numeral
Figured bass
Title, Subtitle, Composer, Lyricist, and Text (text block type)
Text line, including Volta, Pedal etc types
Long and short name of Musescore Instrument (see Setting up your score chapter) is automatically added to the left of staff in each system (page layout concept, see Page layout concepts chapter). Names can be changed direcly on a score using text edit mode, or using Staff/Part property window, see Staff/Part properties chapter. They are, by default, only added when there are more than one instrument. To change this default behavior, change the setting under Format → Style → Score.
Measure numbers can be added automatically. Configure it at Format → Style → Measure nubmers, see Measure numbering chapter.
Musescore's header and footer functionality adds text to every pages automatically. Configure it at Format → Style → Header & footer. Placeholder text (special symbols) can be used to add information like the current page number, copyright claim etc. Placeholder text is also used to add metadata tags, the digital data of a score file, onto the score dynamically. See Header and footer chapter.
Different types of Text object are not interchangeable, decide on the suitable object type before adding it. Use the chart under "Musescore Text object" section. For general engraving or visual display purpose, it is recommended to use a Staff text or System text.
The following explains how to add text to a note or a rest or a valid anchor outside frames. Adding text to a frame is covered in the Text blocks chapter.
To add a text element to your score from a Palette, either select one or more notes/rests and click on the desired palette item; or drag the text from the palette onto a note/rest. e.g.
If the text object is associated with a staff you can add it by selecting a note, then choosing a text option from Add→Text.
Many text types can be entered using keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts are shown to the right of items in Add→Text.
To create a text object, select a note, then enter the required shortcut.
To edit *text automatically added by score settings*, see "Score setting" section.
To delete object(s) on a score, select the objects then press Delete
To edit *text automatically added by score settings*, see "Score setting" section.
Text and text line objects are edited with two different methods, depending on the object type:
edit directly in text edit mode, as explained below; or
edit properties in the Properties panel, see the text object's specific chapter.
To enter text edit mode use one of the following methods:
Double click on the text object, or
Select the text object and press Return
, or
Select the text object and press F2
or Alt
, or
Right-click on the text object and select "Edit element."
To leave text edit mode either press Escape
or click on a part of the score outside the edit area.
The following keyboard shortcuts are available in text edit mode:
Bold (toggle)
Italic (toggle)
Underline (toggle)
Move cursor
, End
, ←
, →
, ↑
, ↓
+) ←
, →
, ↑
, ↓
Remove character to the left of the cursor
Remove character to the right of the cursor
→ Delete
or Fn
Start new line
Insert special characters (see below)
Characters not available from the standard keyboard may be accessed using the Special Characters window.
To open Special Characters, in text edit mode (see "Editing text object content" section), press Shift
; or click on Insert special characters
in the Text section of the Properties panel.
The dialog is divided into 3 tabs: Common symbols, musical symbols and unicode symbols. The musical and unicode tabs are further subdivided into alphabetically-arranged categories. It is preferable to use items in Common symbols tab as they are functional, see Musescore 3 handbook Fonts chapter.
Clicking an item in the Special Characters dialog immediately adds it to the text where the cursor is positioned. Multiple items can be applied without closing the dialog box, and the user can even continue to type normally, delete characters, enter numerical character codes etc., with it open.
In text edit mode, the following keyboard shortcuts add a functional version of special characters (whenever possible) into the current Text object, see Musescore 3 handbook Fonts chapter.
Sharp ♯
May not work on some keyboard layouts
Flat ♭
Natural ♮
Piano p
Forte f
Mezzo m
Rinforzando r
Sforzando s
Niente n
Z z
Elision ‿
General purpose text for one MuseScore instrument. Can be configured to apply swing playback or . See and chapter.
Similar to Staff Text, but for all instruments in the system (page layout concept). See and chapter.
The expression item in the Text . A new type introduced in Musescore 4. Does not affect Musescore playback as of Musescore 4.2. See chapter.
The Change instr. item in the Text . Change the Musescore Instrument after the anchored note or rest. See and chapters.
Such as p and mf, are Text that affects Musescore playback dynamics. See chapter.
Such as crese. and dim., are Text line that affects Musescore playback dynamics. See chapter.
The legato. pizz. etc items in the Text . [This info is a work in progress, the software function is under active dev, pls see and update , and , and , and and chapters]
Numerical metronome mark, verbal direction. A Text type that specifies Musescore playback tempo. See chapter.
Such as accel.. A new Text line type introduced in Musescore 4 that affects Musescore playback tempo. See chapter.
Swing and Straight item in the Tempo
A pre-configured System Text. See and chapters.
Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut breaks up words stored in clipboard, paste and then jump to next anchor conveniently. See chapter.
Such as "D.C."(Da Capo), "D.S. al Coda" etc found in the Repeats & Jumps . See chapter.
The Capo symbol, Segno symbol, "Fine", "To Coda" etc found in the Repeats & Jumps . See chapter.
The boxed B1 item in the Text . Facilitate rehearsals, divide score into sections, bookmark passages etc. See chapter.
Has playback, notes automatically decided. See chapter.
Has playback, similar to Chord symbol. See chapter.
No playback. See chapter.
A period keyboard notation. No playback. See chapter.
Letters (L and R) attached to (drum) notes showing which hand or foot to use. See chapter.
Numbers or letters attached to notes showing which fingers to use. See chapter.
They are Text types designed to be added into a frame. See and chapters. They are not the placeholder text used in the header and footer, see section.
Volta etc found in Repeats & Jumps . Pedal found in Keyboard Palette. Ottava (8--, 8ve, 8va, 15--) etc found in Pitch Palette. Guitar Barre lines etc. See chapter.