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Clefs are applied to the score from the Clefs .
MuseScore automatically applies the most appropriate clef(s) for the instrument when creating a . You can easily change this from the score window if needed.
To change the clef at the very beginning of the score:
Select the initial clef or the first measure
Click the desired clef in the Clefs palette
Or, drag the clef from the palette onto the first measure of the score (not onto a specific note within the bar).
To add a clef change anywhere in the score:
Select a note, rest or measure (except for the very first measure)
Click the desired clef in the Clefs palette
Or, drag the clef from the palette onto a note, rest or measure (except the very first measure).
It is sometimes desirable to have a clef change immediately after the initial clef, appearing after the time signature before the first note. This is achieved by applying a clef change to the very first note or rest of the score.
Note that when adding a clef change, any existing music that follows will be repositioned to maintain the same pitches in the new clef.
To delete a clef change, select it and press Del
Note that initial clefs and clefs at the beginning of systems cannot be deleted.
Most commonly, the prevailing clef is repeated at the start of each new system, except for tab clefs, which normally appear only once at the start.
This behaviour can be controlled via options in the Style dialog (Format -> Style) in the Clefs, key & time signatures section under Clefs -> Visibility.
For non-tab clefs, you can choose between the two options:
Show all clefs on every system (the default)
Hide all clefs after the first system where they appear: only show at their first appearance
For tab clefs there is a separate checkbox, Hide tab clefs after the first system where they appear, which is checked by default.
To hide all clefs on a particular staff:
Right-click on the staff
Choose Staff/Part properties... from the menu
In the dialog, uncheck Show clef.
Where a clef change falls at the very beginning of a system, the change is shown at the end of the previous system where it is called a 'courtesy' (or 'cautionary').
To configure whether courtesy clefs should be shown:
From the menu, select Format -> Style and choose Clefs, keys & time signatures
Under Clefs, toggle the Show courtesy clefs checkbox.
If courtesy clefs are enabled, you can still hide an individual courtesy clef as follows:
Select the clef
In the Properties panel, uncheck Show courtesy clef on previous system.
[To be added]
[To be added]
When a clef applies from the first note of a measure, the clef is usually drawn before the barline by default, except in certain cases around repeat barlines.
To change the position of a clef relative to the barline:
Select the clef
In the Properties panel, under Position relative to barline, choose Before or After.
A clef change which occurs at the same place as a repeat or jump, but which only applies to the music after the repeat or jump (i.e. when continuing, not jumping), is normally placed after the barline. To configure this:
Open the Style dialog (Format -> Style)
Choose Clefs, key & time signatures
Under Clefs, key & time signatures at repeats and jumps then Changes that apply only after repeats and jumps, choose between Place clefs before repeats and Place clefs after repeats.
In the special case of such a change occurring at the same point as an end-start repeat barline, the change can be placed between the end repeat and start repeat. To enable or disable this behaviour, toggle the Allow changes between end-start repeats checkbox.
There are some more global style settings for clefs available in the style dialog (Format -> Style):
In Sizes, under Cue sizes:
Small clef size is the size used for cautionary clefs and clef changes
In Clefs, key & time signatures:
Default TAB clef lets you choose between two styles for tab clefs (Standard or Serif)
In Measures, under Padding, some settings to configure the distances between clefs and other items:
Clef to key signature
Clef to time signature
Clef to note
Clef to barline
In Measures, under System header, one more distance setting:
Clef/key signature to first note (this only applies at the beginning of a system)
To control what happens around repeats and jumps, see .