Input by duration mode
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This page explains music creation on standard staves. See also the tablature and percussion pages.
To enter notes using Input by duration mode:
Type M to enter Input by duration mode
Type A, B, C, D, E, F, or G to select a pitch
Press a duration in the toolbar or type a duration shortcut (1–9) to enter a note
MuseScore Studio's default note entry method is Input by note name. If you'd prefer to choose the pitch first and then enter notes into your score by pressing the duration shortcuts or buttons in the toolbar, Input by duration mode is for you.
To add a note or rest to the score, start by selecting a location to begin entry. You can use the mouse or the keyboard navigation commands.
A preview of the next pitch to be entered is shown on the score in the color of the currently selected voice. On most instruments, this pitch cursor will fall on the middle staff line.
Enter pitches using the computer keyboard, mouse, MIDI keyboard, or virtual piano keyboard.
Type A, B, C, D, E, F, or G to select a pitch by name.
Use ↑ or ↓ to move the pitch cursor up or down by one staff line or space.
Use Ctrl + ↑ or Ctrl + ↓ to move the pitch cursor up or down by one octave.
Hovering over a staff and clicking enters a note at the cursor position. See the main entering notes and rests page for more details.
After selecting pitch using one of the methods above, press a duration in the toolbar or use a shortcut (1–9) to enter a note. See the list of duration shortcuts below:
For the purpose of this section, chords are any combination of multiple notes all starting at the same time, all sharing the same duration, and all sharing a single stem.
Computer keyboard: Hold Shift while entering the note using A–G
The next note will be added above the last note added, so when building a chord it's easiest to start by entering the lowest note first.
Mouse: Click the location where you wish to add the note
MIDI keyboard: Either play all the notes at the same time, or play them one at a time but do not release one key before pressing the next, then select a duration
Virtual piano keyboard: Hold Shift while clicking a key in the piano panel
You can also add notes to chords by interval.
Notes entered in Input by duration mode that match the duration at the cursor position will form a chord with the existing note rather than overwriting them. There's no need to hold Shift.
So, use ← or → to move the entry cursor to any location where a note already exists, select a pitch, then enter the corresponding duration to create or add to a chord.
In Preferences → Note input, you can further customize Input by duration mode.
Default input mode: Choose whether Input by note name mode or Input by duration mode is entered when entering a note or double-clicking on a staff.
Input by duration mode cursor: Choose whether to show the above staff ruler or the classic note entry cursor when in Input by duration mode.
Press M to enter Input by duration mode or select the button in the toolbar.
64th note
32nd note
16th note
Eighth note
Quarter note
Half note
Whole note
Double whole note
Dotted note/rest
Toggle/enter rest